Friday, July 05, 2013

Wed/Thu Recap HumeSD SH 2013 (the one you've been waiting for)

The last two days have been one giant whirl wind! Yes, we've done a number of standard Horizons' HumeSD "staples"...we've walked the boardwalk to the roller coaster...we've dressed up for Super Spirit Day (think Christmas in July)...we've competed in The Great Race....we've had some of our group experience being Champions of Rec and getting the coveted Championship T-Shirt... And then it gets good... The culmination of singing together over the last few chapels is always something I cherish, and this year, The Holy Spirit was doing work! To see students get to the point of crying, or raising their hand(s), many for the first time, or doing motions to songs, or jumping up and down because they simply want to hold nothing back, is one of the ways I believe God gives me a glimpse of Heaven! I pray the comfort and freedom they feel to worship without fear or concern of what the person next to them is doing or thinking will continue as we return to our church home, and become contagious with everyone as The Holy Spirit leads. Wednesday Night's chapel focused on fact #5: "This guy died willingly"...this was the moment, this was everything...this was the "Heaven's roster is different" time of the week that so many people pray will happen...and it ALWAYS does! In our group, we had at least 6 first time decisions to follow Christ! You should be jumping up and down, dropping to your knees, laughing with joy, or even shedding tears of gratitude! Stop reading this right now, and take a minute to praise God and do at at least one of those! There were also over a dozen students that stayed behind to commit parts of their lives they've been keeping from God, giving Him complete control, and in many cases that means control in areas they don't understand or yet have the answers to. I am always impressed with and blessed by students who release pain, hurt, and anger unto their Heavenly Father, and confess that though they may not crave or relish the difficulties they will endure, they will put their trust in the one who wants to bring them through those situations. And finally, in just a few hours, I will have the amazing blessing to Baptize at least 10 students in the ocean! This is going to be the largest single baptism we've done at summer camp! I'm so pumped!!! I'm so looking forward to talking to parents after their students talk to them about the decision made this week! That's gonna do it for now, See you Friday night! GOD RULZ!! TN

1 comment:

BSharp said...

Thanks for sharing Troy and taking the time to.