Saturday/Sunday Combo Blog
Saturday morning was a time we’d all been looking forward to since about halfway through our planning for Nicaragua! We had been notified that we had two options during the day: 1) A Volcano hike that provided incredible views and scenery while looking into and exploring a live volcano..or…2) going Zip Lining though the jungle on a course with approximately 14 platforms between “zips” that were 100-500 yards long.
A couple of our team went on the volcano hike, while the majority (including myself) chose the zip line. What an incredible experience! During the course, I was able to fly “superman” style (I got video of my shadow, kind of looked like Peter Pan…think Robin William’s "pre-bang-a-rang” from Hook, lol!) and also hanging upside down, which was just awesome! We didn’t get to see any monkeys like we’d hoped, but the experience was a ton of fun.
Saturday afternoon we spent at the “micro-finance fair”, where some of the ladies were selling their goods that they’d been working on all week at that ministry site. Necklaces, simple pottery, hammocks, and more, for incredible prices. after that we went to an outdoor market for more shopping/souvenir hunting, before eating a local (and trusted) restaurant. The food (chicken, beef, rice, salad, french fries) was terrific. Finally back to the base where we watched about a 40 minute video on the political history of Nicaragua. It was a great lesson that gave a much better of understanding the political and socio-economic climate of the Nicaraguan people.
Some free time after that was enjoyed by some playing “Big Boss”, and a new game for many called “Signs”, which has become a group favorite.
Today, Sunday, was yet another in a long line of new experiences for the majority of our team. We got to sleep in for a bit, before enjoying a great breakfast (the food here has been very good!) and then it was off to Church at Hosanna Masaya.
We were challenged by the SI Site Director (Seth) to have an open mind, and even to think about what Heaven might be like with people from many nations worshipping together. It was easy to do as we walked in and were greeted by many friendly faces. The auditorium we met in was probably about twice the size of Horizons (just using that for frame of reference) with many windows, a concrete floor, and folding chairs. There were probably about 400-500 people in the service, the 2nd of two held at the church.
The music was fantastic, and I actually got quite emotional during the 3rd of five songs that were sung. I was able to understand most of the words as we sang about the name of Jesus, Jesus Christ! Following an extended worship set, there were many announcements, at least ten, and then offering. There was a special song sang while they took offering, and instead of passing the bag down the line, the ushers walked back and forth through each row collecting the gifts. I’d never experienced that before!
We were also recognized at the service, where we briefly stood and were welcomed with clapping and affirmation.
Then the preacher was introduced (a former pastor at the church who is now based in Texas, but was back on vacation I think). He spoke for approximately 80-90 minutes about our need to seek God earnestly in prayer, and being ready to hear him when he knocks on the door of our heart to answer those prayers. He also gave an invitation, and approximately 25 people came forward to accept Christ! Pretty awesome experience to witnessed people giving their lives to Christ in another language, in another country!
After being hosted for lunch at the church, we went to the “Potter’s House”, which is a hi-lite I’m convinced your loved ones will remember and enjoy sharing their experience with you. We met a man who walked us through the imagery of God’s Word about Him being the potter and us the clay, as he showed us clay and pottery in various stages of creation. Likening it to the work God is doing with us. As He shapes us, molds us, removes the imperfections, to make us into who He wants us to be. At the end, we were able to buy some of his work. He’s a wonderful, humble, Christian man, and it was a pleasure to support him generously.
After the Potter’s House, we were back to the base for Pizza, our first truly american meal since arriving! Then a free night as most of the group played “Signs” out in the Gazebo (where we shot our Welcome Video for Church, hope you enjoyed that!) until about 10:00pm. It was just a great weekend and we are excited to complete our journey here as we head into week 2 of our trip, back out to the ministry sites tomorrow, through Friday.
Until next time, keep praying for health, patience, and our joy for being here to continue, we love this place!
God Rulz!