Wednesday, July 15, 2015

#hccNicaragua Wednesday2

Wednesday2 Random Thoughts #hccNicaragua

I know it’s been a few days…but please know that ministry has continued, and it has been more and more of God being God, and so many instances of joining God in what he’s doing down here…tonight’s blog will be more of a “random thoughts” type…without maybe as much explanation, but trying to get them down so you can us about them later :) So here we go...

This second week has allowed many of us to deal/begin to deal with personal things that our open and raw hearts are able to accept from the Lord…

So many good conversations w/ different team members…the vulnerability of the people I’m able to call my brothers and sisters is humbling...

Monday I went to a certain ministry site…and to be honest I didn’t really do anything but take about a dozen pictures. Not because I wasn’t willing, but because everyone on that team was so efficient, and there wasn’t as much ministry to do that day…I spent most of the day wondering why God had sent me there…and in the late afternoon it hit me…I had been able to have a spur of the moment conversation with one our team members that I didn’t really know all that well…and we were able to encourage each other so much because our spiritual journeys have been very similar …that conversation will be one that I will never forget, and I’m looking forward to how God will use it in both of our lives in the future

Tuesday night we focused on how “rich” even the poorest of us are in the U.S….we also looked deeply at different types of poverty…and we discussed that so often, people without money and possessions are often the richest of us all...

I had dinner tonight with a 72 year old man…the oldest of 12 siblings…with 10 kids of his own…and the Lord blessed the 5 of us that were able to sit with him so much…he shared that we was the last of his siblings and his kids to receive the forgiving grace of Jesus Christ…he’s been a Christian for just 6 months! What a story…please stop and pray right now, even a short prayer, for Julio. That he would remain strong, and not give in to the many temptations that he has walked away from to follow Christ.

Really starting to miss my wife and son…A LOT…of course I’ve missed them dearly the entire trip, but I am now entering a period of being the longest I’ve ever been away from them. I’m so thankful that we’ve been able to have phone service at least a little bit...

I probably should have said this sooner, but Students International (S.I.) is absolutely top notch. The Lord is blessing their ministry greatly as they are very intentional in every facet of reaching the people here, (and in all of the other countries they are in). I can easily see partnering with them many times in the coming years. The holistic approach to reaching this people group is amazing to see in action...

haha, here’s random…..did you know that jumping into a very chlorinated pool every day for about 30 minutes is an excellent substitute for a shower? just sayin….

Don’t be surprised if you see many of our team members serving as interns with S.I. in the coming summers...

We are still all relatively healthy…nobody has come down with anything that has caused them to miss any ministry, so please pray for sustained health as we complete the work God has called us to do while we are here

Played Kickball with about 25 women yesterday…it was AWESOME! They take it VERY seriously…There was a lot of pressure put on me by my team, especially our “captain”…she had me kick 4th (“Clean-Up”) with the very clear look that I better come through! Fortunately, I made decent contact each time and ended up going 3-3 with a double, triple, and homerun. The game ended after 3 innings, in a 10-10 tie…whew! No international incidents! 

Discovered I still have a couple soccer skills…but only a couple...

Transparency moment: It’s been a long time since I’ve had 10 straight days of 45+ minute quite times (Devo’s)…what a sense of newness of my walk w/ Christ…and still 2 more mornings to have them! 

I honestly still don’t know why I get to do this type of thing for a living…I really feel so unworthy…it’s so humbling when I see people of faith, that have “so much less” with a faith that is so strong. The Nicaraguan people that have come to Christ, including the ones that now work for S.I. are so inspiring to me. And then they say “I don’t know why God has chosen me”…it’s overwhelming sometimes…Thank you Father that you’ve had grace on me to be a part of your plan…I’m sorry for when I’ve messed it up, and grateful for you never letting go of me...

I got to talk about beisbol (baseball) with a couple young men today…kind of an oddity with most of the world, the ONLY sport really talked about, played, or watched is Futbol (soccer). 

I’m gonna be leaving a lot of what I brought with me here in Nicaragua (bed linens, clothes, etc) as are a lot of team members. 

Discovered a new word while playing sports on this trip..if the locals call you “Malo”…it means “Bad”…yeah, heard it a few times…lol

Noah Swartz’ new favorite game is being the Momma Koala…you’ll have to ask him about it...

Two more days on ministry sites, then a very early flight…as much as I want to get home, leaving this place will be VERY, VERY difficult…maybe the hardest of any mission trip I’ve ever been on…actually, I’ll take the “maybe” out of it…I love these people, this ministry, and everything about this trip and team that I get to do it with...

For those of you that have had specific prayers that “God would show my ___________ this or that”…believe me, I’m sure He has! 

That’s it for now..need to get to sleep…not sure if I’ll get off another blog or not...

God Rulz!