Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Alas...the end of Day 3...half way done with camp...a very fun day, packed with lots of different things...with the best ending for some of our students!

Morning chapel was a Mission's focus, hearing from a couple of men who are doing amazing ministries around the world...a great small group time followed with our guys and girls (in different groups) really opening up...

Rec was crazy, as we started the two days of the "BIG 5" rec games...my team, the only green one remember, went from 20 (dead last) all the way up to 7th...we're still considerably behind the leaders, but it was fun to make a jump in the standings...

After rec, and lunch...most of the group headed for the beach. Well actually, shopping...hung out in the stores for a couple of hours...

then dinner and then chapel...tuesday night is typically "decision" night (for non-Christians) and tonight was great...the band was spirit filled as usual and we had an excellent time of praise and worship...then PJ (the speaker) came and gave the message..main point talked about taking up our cross, losing our life to Christ so that we can find it...

We had 3 girls re-dedicate their walks to Christ...Britnii Spino, Kaylie Pitzer, and Alex Lam...and one surrender her life completely to Christ for the very first time...Kourtanie Anderson! WOO HOO!!!!!!!! Heaven is different tonight! Eternity has changed! There is a new soul in Eternity with Christ! YES! This is why we do this...the Angels are having a party!!!

Once we were done celebrating (and how can you ever REALLY be done with that?!)...we had about an hour of free time...being that I am the Egyptian Rat Slap Champion of Horizons, I was challenged to yet another game, which I of course.....DOMINATED!

It is a week going very well...many different combinations of students going to different places and just hanging out, God is truly moving the group to a huge spirit of unity...you're prayers that it would continue would be awesome...

as for me, on a personal note, I'm feeling the weight of back-to-back weeks as I'm writing this blog. I'm tired, I'm sore, and I miss my family. But I don't regret any of it...it is when I am at my weakest, that Jesus can be made strong! You're prayers for continued energy and health are appreciated and coveted...

Rusty is doing well, though feeling the effects as well. Please pray for my young red-headed friend and intern :) He's doing amazing, and has made the transition from JH to SH week very well...I'm proud of him :)

Well, some of my guys are waiting for me so they can recite their memory verses (they get spirit points) to me...talk to you tomorrow! TN
No time to write about day 3 right now...but here's a simple video of about 100 pics of our first couple of days...

off to the beach!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fun day...spent some time playing Egyptian Rat Slap...a card game that is all the rage in the land of HCC Youth Ministries...and while doing so had an interesting moment from a lady cleaning the table next to us in the dining hall...she had her back to us, let out a seriously loud burp, like 8th grade guy good, and then without ever turning around or looking at us, said outloud to no one in particular..."Well, Excuse me"...we were absolutely dying...you ever laugh so hard in perfect silence because you don't want whoever to know that your laughing at them? Well, that was us...all 5 of us...Jen and Haley were in tears, Justin was just shocked, Alina didn't know what to do, and I just loved every second of it... rec results came in...me and my studly boys are in dead-last place..yep, 20th out of 20 teams...oh well...one of the girls teams is in 2nd place, so that's cool Evening chapel was great, we seem to have settled into a "spot"...the far side of the chapel ('stage left' for the performing readers)...worship was towards a more mellow level, but it got deep and impactful... PJ (our speaker) did a great job again explaing that we're all sinners, and that it can lead us around like a fish that's swallowed a hook...we are slaves to it, as teh Word says... great cabin discussion times as well... I've got about 100 pics uploaded, just have to figure out a way for you to have easy access...hopefully in my next blog after lunch tomorrow... thanks for praying... TN
