Wednesday, July 03, 2013

HumeSD 2013 SH Tuesday

Here's the recap from Tuesday :)

Morning Chapel started again with Worship...many of the students really starting to look forward to this part of their day, both morning and evening...a chance to connect with  the Lord through music...pretty sweet to worship our Dad together with my (much) younger brothers and sisters :)

The chapel focus this morning was on thinking about others, taking our eyes off of ourselves...because "the world does not have what we have". The speaker, John Alvarado from Reflect Ministries, shared amazing stories and videos from opportunities he's had around the world to share the Gospel, and the work he heads up in Mexico, serving the poor down there...

Rec time was the continuation of 4-way games...the rec hi-lite video from this week should be epic :)

After lunch, over half the group (about 30) gave up their free time, and even paid $10 to serve at a "Feed America" warehouse in San Diego...this was a behind the scenes service project...we processed, sorted, recycled, and prepared over A TON of food to be distributed to homeless, and families in need. I loved seeing the smiles on our students faces, knowing they were making a difference. It was brought home afterwards when we met Julie and one of her 3 sons. Julie, an immigrant to the US came as a Muslim. Her life was touched by the ministry we were helping support, and she and her family have given their lives to Christ! Great to hear a testimony and know that we made a difference.

Dinner then evening chapel...Josh continues to be used by The Lord in his unique style of story telling as he opens up some of his life, and reveals his own struggles with his faith. The rawness and real way he communicates is a gift, and really connecting with our students. I old honestly suggest parents getting a copy of his messages to listen to as they become available after camp! (I'll have free links

The all camp Kajabi Can Can Tourney was the late night activity, and Tanner took 2nd place in the gladiator competition...a huge accomplishment!

Being mid-week tradition by me since we've been coming here, I made the late night Mexican food run for the whole group. We wracked up about $300 worthed of food, and the kids loved eating in the dorms during their nightly small group time to recap the day.

Wednesday night will be huge, be praying for Josh as he gives students a specific opportunity to make a decision about their walk with Christ!

God Rulz!