Wednesday, June 19, 2013

End Day 4 (Wed) HumeSD13JH

Gonna be a short one tonight...pretty tired....

This morning's chapel was a little different, keeping it fresh...following worship time, the students had 11 different seminars to choose from...dealing w/ many topics that teens face today..from self image, to social media....kind of a "pick your own message" thing...pretty cool!

Rec today was SUPER SPIRIT DAY, using relay games...Seeing hundred of people dressed in Christmas gear in the middle of June, in the middle of San Diego, was epic! Rec had teams doing 5 legged reaces, pulling each other on a snow sled, and of course, the dizzy bat! A couple of great  moments with kids falling, rolling, spilling, and laughing the whole time :)

Then it was time for the camp picture, and we were able to secure our traditional spot in the front left corner of the photo, still geared up in Christmas attire...

Another fun day of free time followed lunch, with a trip to FroYo, Airsoft, and a NEW Game called Archery Tag...yes it's shooting bows and arrows at each other and it's fantastic...that is all I'm gonna say :)

The annual "youth pastor dinner" was at Miquel's mexican food, and it was sooooo good. I took Zach along with me, so he could experience a litle perk of being the intern, and see how "the upper half" lives in the world of youth ministry...

Tonight's chapel was essentially "decision night". What a neat time of worship preceeded the message, as The Lord continued to soften hearts He's been working on all week. A number of students stayed behind after making some type of decision, including 6 of our students from Horizons. God is working!!

Some more free time after chapel, and some devo's back in the dorm wrapped up the day :) One more to go tomoorow!



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