Monday, June 18, 2012

JH Hume/SD End Day 1

Well, we made it to the end of day One! As you can see, we made it to the Campus in very good time. After leaving the church at 7:00am (THANK YOU to everyone for getting there on time, and having all of your paperwork done!) we stopped a couple of times on the way (Love's/McD's in Gila Bend, Burger King/McD's at the Border) we made it to the campus at 2:30, 1/2 an hour before they were ready to check us in. So, we killed time playing Ninja!

After getting everyone into their dorm rooms, we headed to dinner. Awesome catered food as usual. Seriously, the Junior Highers will eat $500 worth of food alone this week! 

After dinner the staff had a counselor meeting while the students went to secure front row seats for "The Opener", a high energy 15-20 production that sets the tone for the entire week. (Set pic below) The counselor meeting had a little hint of sadness, as it was the last one to ever be run by a very deer friend of mine, Cliff Carey. After 15 years w/ Hume Lake, he has stepped into a roll of running his in-laws' business. It will be sad indeed to come to this camp, and not see one of my dearest friends every year. We have done a decent job of staying in touch outside of the camp, so I know our friendship will continue as strong as ever.

The Opener is always an amazing production, and this year was no different. I won't spoil it for next week, as we have nearly 70 high schoolers coming next week to see it. I will say however, that it was a special treat for me to see 3 of my former students in youth ministry play significant roles!

From my days in San Diego, Shawna and Owen Spiva were awesome, and from my current calling in Peoria, Robert Ramirez played one of the lead roles.

What a blessing!

After the Opener, we had our first Chapel of the week. Our speaker this week is a man named Adam Weatherby and he is exceptional. I have heard him before at a camp setting, so the Junior Highers are in for a treat.

He did a great job of explaining the week's outline, as we look at the travelings of the Israelites through the desert. "Fantastical Journey of the Wandering 'Lites"

One of his key points was really pausing to explain the greatness of God, and seriously ponder the  power of the statement God made when he said to Moses, "I AM". Ask your kids about it when they get home!

After chapel, we had some time for hanging out, and I'm doing my best to get some of the kids proficient at "Hacky Sack". (think soccer players standing in a circle kicking a tiny bean bag in the air, not letting it hit the ground)

About 10:30 we headed back to the dorms. Can't speak for the ladies, but after the guys "doing guy things", we had about 15 minutes to debrief and wrap up the whole day, and especially focused on what we took away from the speaker.

Everyone's pretty much quiet at this point, pretty surprising since it's only about 1:00am and it's the first night of camp! Usually another 2 hours of craziness at this point! But I'm not complaining!

Pray for our leaders, for their energy and seeing those "God Appointments" with your students. Pray for the students, that they will clearly hear from our Lord this week!

God Rulz


1 comment:

kris flatt said...

I am praying. Thanks for the update. Love seeing the pictures.