Thursday, June 21, 2012

JH HUME/SD 2012 End Day 4

Got to bed late last here's random thoughts from yesterday :)

Picture album below to see it...

JH HUME/SD 2012 End Day 4

Waking up by 7:00am in San Diego is still just as hard as it is in Arizona...

I'm now definitely "one of those guys" that times it pretty well so that I grab my breakfast at the last minute and eats it during the morning counselor meeting...

Had a neat one-on-one time with my dear friend Cliff Carey yesterday...spent about an hour's so good to have a friend to share "life-stuff" with, and have the opportunity to be real...

What can YOU do with a blanket, a whiffle bat, and a giant bouncy ball? I don't know, but I doubt it will be as cool as the AWESOME REC they do here at Hume/SD...

Everyone from our group went to the beach for a couple hours yesterday...including 4 surfers...(bummed we didn't get any pics of the surfers, but I'm sure it made God smile :) )

Saw Jenn McClendon (class of 2010) and her family and boyfriend at the beach...they are doing the west coast vacation that family...(and her parents, Paul and Carolyn reminded me what a consistent P90X commitment can do...they look great!)

The youth pastors were treated to a "thank you" dinner at Sammy's Woodfired Pizza for dinner...great time connecting with other guys who are "in the trenches" and can relate to the unique position we've been called to....topped off the dinner with a "Messy Sunday", SO GOOD!...I say THANKS to Jay, Andrew, and the rest of the HUME/SD staff for all YOU do that makes our job a lot easier!

With one day to go, our girls are in 4th place for rec, and the guys are in 3rd...a decent showing :) Today is "The Great Race", a giant relay race around pretty much the entire Pt. Loma Campus...

Loving the worship time at each great to see young people letting their guard down a little more each day and coming into the presence of God...

Adam Weatherby continues to be used by God...our students are tracking really well with him, and he's making God's Word clear, understandable, and applicable. The cabin "So What" times are deeper each time...

Wednesday night is "Late Night Roberto's Run Night"...took orders from all the students/staff and picked up true SD/Mexican Fast Food at 11:00pm...16 people can order a lot of food...we have 67 people next week....

hope you enjoy the randomness...

God Rulz!

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