Monday, June 29, 2009

As my mind slowly turns it's primary focus from camps to Jamaica, my heart is heavy as we've lost Lauren from the trip due to illness. Please pray for her immediate health situation, as she's going to be seeing a specialist and hopefully get the situation diagnosed in the next 24 hours. She's in a fair amount of pain and she's obviously very disappointed that she won't be going on the trip. Please pray for her comfort and peace to know that we serve a sovereign God, and for whatever reason, His plans do not include her on this's a tough pill to swallow for all of us.

We might possibly be trying to fill her spot at the last minute, but it's quite possibly too late for that...but the bigger concern remains for Lauren...


Charlotte said...

We are praying for her on the island. She will be missed. I am thankful that if she needed to get sick that she found out before. I know that's a hard perspective to take, but the doctor's at home are more capable of taking care of her and evaluating her situation than the doctors here. You're all in our prayers and we cannot wait to see you.

UA Thiele said...

Its truly amazing to know that GOD has all this planned, While we struggle daily with following his lead - He knows that too and has planned for that. He placed all of us together for his purpose and to serve in HIS kingdom.. All of you make that an awesome place to be! May the Spirit fill you and lead you to the GREAT HAPPENINGS you will have. Prayers for Lauren... GOD has something for her too! We may not see it today / tomorrow / next week - But its gonna come!